NAKANOKUMO "sai” brooch


・“sai” brooch


「sai -彩雲-」は、伝統的な蒔絵技法の一つである「螺鈿(らでん)」をあしらったジュエリー。黒漆に散りばめられた大小さまざまな夜光貝のかけらが、光の強さや角度によって万華鏡のように色を変え、鮮やかに煌めきます。






The phenomenon known as "sai-un(彩雲)" occurs when sunlight refracts through ice and water particles in the clouds, creating a rare and mesmerizing rainbow-colored display.

Believed to be a sign of good fortune, this breathtaking spectacle serves as the inspiration behind "sai -彩雲-," a stunning piece of jewelry adorned with iridescent mother-of-pearl. Each fragment of the shell, varying in size, reflects light like a kaleidoscope, shifting in color with every change in angle and intensity.

This elegant and vibrant piece is a symbol of luck and will add a touch of brilliance to your most special moments.

Size: L20mm x W20mm x H3.2mm
Weight: 4.6g
Material: silver, urushi, mother-of-pearl

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